Dear Mother,

Congratulations!! for the precious gift you have delivered to this world.

Every mother wants the best for her children, my mother made me take Cod Liver Oil and now I give it to my children and live to tell about it.

Going back hundreds of years, mothers relied on Cod Liver Oil to keep their families healthy. They may not have understood why this foul tasting oily liquid seemed to be beneficial, but their power of observation told them that children given Cod Liver Oil were less prone to colds and flu.

In those days medical care was expensive and generally out of reach. Most treatment modalities were learned from family and friends. ONE of those was Cod Liver Oil. You will be needing that Cod Liver Oil “my mother would say”. It is Cod Liver Oil that will save you. A big tablespoonful every day stops you from getting colds. If you don’t take your Cod Liver Oil every morning, you will go down with a cold.

My mother forced down my throat a large tablespoonful of the foul tasting oily liquid. In review, this was clearly done with concern and caring for my health and well-being which was not obvious at that time. Just yesterday, I sat down to breakfast and took a tablespoonful of Vita Health Cod Liver Oil, I did not recall the terrible taste but only reminded of the love and concern my mother had for my health and well-fare.

My mother is happy that I am heeding to her advice and giving my children Vita Health Cod Liver Oil. She may not have had the same reasons for giving me Cod Liver oil as I do now for my children. However, the benefits are the same. After all these years, I am going to be passing along my mother’s “Old wives tales” to my children and future generations.

Happy to say, you too can take Vita Health Cod liver Oil and live to tell about it.

Studies Suggest that

  • Women should begin taking fish oils during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. This is because DHA, one of the omega-3 fatty acids found in Cod Liver Oil plays a fundamental role in the proper formation and function of the baby’s brain (we all love a well-functioning brain), nervous system and development of the eye. During breastfeeding, the mother through her breast milk passes the Omega 3 fatty acids to the baby.
  • Children with an insufficient amount of sunlight Vitamin D do not develop healthy bones and strong teeth.
  • The “resistance building” Vitamin A in Cod Liver Oil increase the fighting power against coughs, colds and flu.

“You are a smart mother with a smart baby when you take Vita Health Cod Liver Oil during pregnancy and breastfeeding”.

Price was right

Dr. Price was right….. we all need to take Cod liver Oil (and eat plenty of good butter). For growing children, and for almost every disease condition, Cod Liver Oil is the number one superfood; the supplement of choice.

Apart from a healthy diet that includes fish and organ meats, there is no better way to provide Omega-3 fatty acids (DHA and EPA) as well as naturally occurring vitamins A and D to you and your children than with a high-quality Cod Liver Oil; “Vita Health Cod Liver Oil”

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Kulal International

Kulal International Ltd markets and distributes various pharmaceuticals products  for a number of multinational throughout Kenya.

T: +254 722 209 277